Why are we using a prequalifying form for grant awards?

We receive many grant appli­ca­tions from organ­i­sa­tions that are not eli­gi­ble to apply. This can be for many rea­sons, such as:

  • Not under­stand­ing a grant may be geo­graph­i­cal­ly based and only for cer­tain com­mu­ni­ty partnerships. 
  • Not hav­ing the appro­pri­ate organ­i­sa­tion­al struc­ture, e.g., For- Prof­it rather than Not-For-Profit
  • Do not have per­mis­sion from appro­pri­ate per­son in organ­i­sa­tion to apply for grant.

By ask­ing you to com­plete a short­er ques­tion­naire pri­or to the appli­ca­tion form we will save you time. 

Once we have received your sub­mit­ted form, and depend­ing on the infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted, we will either:

  • Con­tact you for more infor­ma­tion, or to give appro­pri­ate advice. This will only apply in cer­tain cir­cum­stances such as where an appli­cant project/ organ­i­sa­tion does not have a bank account in the project/ organ­i­sa­tion name. 

  • If there are no prob­lems with the sub­mit­ted form you will be sent a pass­word to access the full appli­ca­tion form.

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