The VCS Alliance will be hosting all the information available about the interim Activation Contract. To read more about the recent changes you can expect, please see Community Action’s webpage on changes to VCSE structure support.
This interim 12 month contract will be in place from June 2024 to June 2025. If you have any further questions about the contract, or want to share improvements for this page, you can email us at activation@thevcsalliance.org.uk. This page will continue to be updated as we establish the work in this contract, so please keep returning for updates.
“As a group of infrastructure organisations, we are really pleased to be continuing to support our sector, all be it in a more targeted way, over the next year, whilst we work collaboratively with health and care and council colleagues to design a longer-term support service.
This page aims to explain what support can be offered over the next 12 months through the interim Activation contract and provide information about the infrastructure support organisations that are working together to deliver the services.“
– Sam Keighley, CEO of the VCS Alliance
The Activation Contract
Watch Our Video on the Activation Contract:
An Introduction to the Six Partners Working on the Activation Contract:

The VCS Alliance
The Voluntary and Community Sector Alliance (VCSA) works across Bradford District and Craven and is an equal partner in the BDC Health and Care Partnership alongside other key local health and social care providers. They act as the interface between VCSE organisations and the Health and Care Partnership.
Their core purpose is to work in partnership to influence and transform Health and Social Care.
Because of its focus on health and care, the VCSA is the contract holder for this interim Activation contract. It is also leading on the sector voice and influence elements of the contract, focusing particularly on sector influence in Healthy Minds, Healthy Communities, and Children Young People and Families Priority Boards. And also, the Comms function of this contract.
The VCS Alliance will work with the Young Lives Network to design a new structure.

Community Action Bradford and District
Community Action Bradford & District (CABAD) are an infrastructure charity delivering a range of support services to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in the Bradford District. This ranges from support around governance, funding, impact reporting, marketing, volunteering, safeguarding, payroll and recruitment.
Their staff are experts with decades of knowledge in these areas, constantly working to understand the latest rules, regulations, and best practice in the sector and share this knowledge with organisations that need it.
CABAD will bring this knowledge to the Activation contract, working with groups to support them with their diagnostics and the development plans arising from this, helping them to implement the recommendations and become more sustainable as an organisation.
They will work closely with Participate Projects under strengthening the sector, and supporting sector voice colleagues with our previous knowledge and skills in this area.

Bradford & District Community Empowerment Network Ltd (Cnet) are a local charity working with and supporting their communities since 2001. During this time Cnet have developed strong relationships with a diverse range of individuals, groups, organisations and cross sector partners. They provide support through a range of projects with a primary focus on grant distribution, community development, engagement, consultation and representation.
Cnet’s staff team have a broad range of skills and expertise, together with extensive local knowledge of their neighbourhoods and communities. They will share our expertise and reach with partners delivering the Activation contract, and support the voluntary and community sector to survive and thrive.
Cnet also help facilitate the Citizen’s Voice within the Activation contract, working alongside other VCSE organisations across Bradford District and Craven. . The current Citizen’s Voice model will continue to be used until October 1st. A new model is being co-designed currently to launch on October 1st and there will be further communications in the lead up to this new model to define changes.

Race Equality Network
Race Equality Network (REN) is a registered charity and infrastructure organisation that champions race equality at a grassroots and strategic level to ensure that services such as education, employment, health and social care, housing, training and volunteering are inclusive and accessible to everyone in Bradford District.
REN provide support to grassroots Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations and groups that work primarily with diverse communities across Bradford district. They work with a vast number of partners, individuals and organisations to provide and support, celebrate diversity and campaign for equality.
In helping deliver the Activation Contract they bring with them years of expertise in race equality work with a very strong skills base in advising on equality legislation compliance, cultural competence, strategic planning, project management, training and facilitation, campaigning, and co-production and delivery of projects.

HALE (Health Action Local Engagement) is an award-winning health development charity specialising in providing outreach programs, activities and education to the most vulnerable in their communities, on topics associated with mental and physical self-care. Their mission “To improve health where there is greatest need” is achieved by delivering a wide range of projects and services with individuals and communities, so that they may develop the confidence and skills needed to find and embrace solutions for themselves.
HALE continues to facilitate Citizen’s Voice within the Activation contract, working alongside other VCSE organisations across Bradford District and Craven. The current Citizen’s Voice model will continue to be used until October 1st. A new model is being co-designed currently to launch on October 1st and there will be further communications in the lead up to this new model to define changes.

Participate Projects works in Bradford to support people and organisations to develop and grow their ideas into sustainable projects and enterprises. It is one of the leading Social Venture support organisations in the UK, working in partnership with local, regional, and national bodies to deliver capacity building to the VCSE sector.
They do this through an experienced Social Ventures team, associates, and the support of a wide network of volunteering businesses that donate time, skills and resources. Participate will continue to deliver social enterprise support and business engagement through the Activation contract, working with organisations that show they divert citizens from health and care services provided by the public sector.
Social Ventures will receive a diagnostic to identify priority areas and formulate a development plan that we will resource through in house skills, our business volunteering network, referral to other programmes and a small support fund which can provide funding towards specialist capacity building work.
Download a PDF of the partner’s profiles.

“Our Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership is based on an ethos where we Act as One. This includes how we work together across all sectors to understand our communities, what matters to them and to encourage active involvement from our communities so that we can progress on our vision of helping people live ‘happy, healthy at home.’ Our VCSE sector is uniquely placed to help us achieve this. This next year will give us all an opportunity to be part of a learning journey that helps us create spaces for collaboration, constructive challenge and change so that we remain true to our collective outcomes. This includes having a VCSE sector that is as stable as possible, is an equal partner and one that can continue to shape the work of our wider partnership. We also recognise the value of listening, learning and creating an environment where we encourage citizen participation and activation so that we all work together to tackle the challenges and inequalities that we face. Our work in this space will be guided by our principles of co-design and co-production – we hope that, together, we can develop a new way of working that we are all proud to be part of.”