The VCS Alliance believes that all projects sup­port­ed through grant awards should be built around the prin­ci­ples of ABCD. We recog­nise that this can be a daunt­ing propo­si­tion if you don’t know what this is. So, we have put these videos on the web­site and we are sure you will see this is how many of you are already working.

ABCD small grant fund­ing — His­to­ry
Since 2018 The VCS Alliance has admin­is­tered 8 rounds of ABCD award grant fund­ing and dis­trib­uted grants totalling £475,213.51 on behalf of Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ships.
These grant awards have sup­port­ed 769 Vol­un­tary Sec­tor organ­i­sa­tions to deliv­er impor­tant and impact­ful work across the Brad­ford Dis­trict and Craven.

Asset Based Commu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment is about recog­nis­ing and mak­ing use of the assets that are already in the com­mu­ni­ty. All com­mu­ni­ties share cer­tain things in com­mon, from indi­vid­u­als to organ­i­sa­tions such as schools, and places of
wor­ship, exist­ing groups, and projects; ABCD builds upon the strengths and capac­i­ties each has.

This is an appre­cia­tive way of work­ing, appre­cia­tive because it appre­ci­ates and makes best use of these strengths and capac­i­ties or ASSETS and asks, ‘What is right, work­ing’. ABCD recog­nis­es that the peo­ple that live and work in that
com­mu­ni­ty are the experts.

ABCD starts with Asset Map­ping, these are,
Assets of indi­vid­u­als: Every­one has assets and gifts. Youth, Age, Enthu­si­asm, Skills.
Asso­ci­a­tion: Peo­ple dis­cov­er each oth­er gifts by com­ing togeth­er in infor­mal groups.
Insti­tu­tions: These are groups with for­mal
struc­tures, usu­al­ly paid, such as busi­ness, and bank­ing.
Place-Based: Often peo­ple choose to live where they do, nice parks, good leisure facil­i­ties, Schools etc.
Con­nec­tions: All the above are kinds of asset, they are the basis of our social rela­tion­ships and build social capital.

Every­one has gifts and some­thing to con­tribute.
Peo­ple build rela­tion­ships, rela­tion­ships build com­mu­ni­ties.
Peo­ple at the cen­ter, they are not pas­sive
Peo­ple in the lead, mak­ing the change.
Peo­ple care if you give them a rea­son to care.
Lis­ten: Deci­sions should come from
con­ver­sa­tions where peo­ple are heard.
Ask­ing for ideas is more sus­tain­able than giv­ing solu­tions.
Inside-out organ­i­sa­tion: Local com­mu­ni­ty
mem­bers are in control.

Videos repro­duced with the kind per­mis­sion of: Herd­ing Togeth­er:

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