Over the last year our VCS Provider Community has been delivering a new service is aimed at providing additional core capacity in general practice, at a time when there is considerable pressure on healthcare services as a result of rising patient demand. This service enables patients to receive high quality, responsive care for extended hours beyond the current core contract offer and is delivered in addition to core hours and in addition to clinical sessions delivered outside core hours.
Throughout 2019-20, we delivered Benefits Checkups (Welfare Benefits Advice) through 3 experienced local Delivery Providers. By working together:
- We provided Welfare Benefits Advice to 365 people/families from April 19 – March 20, through the 3x 3 hour sessions planned each week.
- That equates to 1 person/family for every day of the year.
- We delivered 422 hours of Welfare Benefits Advice over the year.
- On average, 1 person/family was helped for every 1 hour and 9 minutes of provision.
- The average cost of help for 1 person/family was just £46.
Our current service provides equitable extended access to health care services closer to home on site or on the phone and aims to ensure a seamless service for patients irrespective of how and when they enter the system. The services we currently offer in the Extended Access Provision are:
- Young People’s Counselling
- Mental Health Triage Service
- Young People’s Transition work
To access any of these services in your local area, just book an appointment through your GP’s Receptionist.
This contract runs until March 2021.
I have had an extremely positive experience with the Extended Access Mental Health service. I access the service and utilise the appointments on a very regular basis at least several times per week. I can book patients directly into appointments at their convenience. Prior to the creation of this service, patients were often left to “fend for themselves”. I have had positive feedback from patients who have used the service. It would be an understatement for me to say that it has transformed my Practice. It is an amazing feeling that I can now offer a tangible service for both children and adults alike.
Dr I. Zahir – Thornbury Medical Centre
Bradford VCS Alliance is delivering in partnership with:
- Step 2
- Mind in Bradford