Our purpose

“Working in partnership to influence and transform Health and Social Care”

  • We demon­strate hon­esty, open­ness, and respect for everyone
  • We chal­lenge our­selves and be open to chal­lenge from others
  • We are trust­ed and build trust across the organisation
  • We cre­ate safe spaces where cre­ativ­i­ty can flourish
  • We work in true part­ner­ship with communities
  • We are forward-looking
  • We do the right thing
  • We work sustainably

Our Strategic Aims:

We will become a transforming force in Health,
Social Care and the community.

1. We will cre­ate a trust­ed, vibrant, and engag­ing provider com­mu­ni­ty.
2. We will work with oth­ers to cre­ate sus­tain­able solu­tions to meet the needs of our part­ners.
3. We will influ­ence “The Sys­tem” to cre­ate opportunities.

We will nurture our team and put them at the heart of
everything we do.

1. We will recog­nise, recruit, and encour­age the tal­ent and abil­i­ty that reflects the diver­si­ty of our com­mu­ni­ty.
2. We will become an employ­er of choice.
3. We will cel­e­brate our successes.

We will develop a robust internal infrastructure

1. We will devel­op a strong sus­tain­able busi­ness mod­el.
2. We will devel­op clear poli­cies, sys­tems, process­es and pro­ce­dures.
3. We will strength­en plan­ning process­es across the organ­i­sa­tion.
4. We will cre­ate a high per­form­ing and diverse board with a sol­id gov­er­nance struc­ture
sup­port­ed by a Gov­er­nance Action Plan.
5. We will cre­ate clear finan­cial plan.
6. We will strength­en report­ing to the board.

We will become a learning organisation

1. We will com­mu­ni­cate clear­ly, cre­at­ing and imple­ment­ing an effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion plan.
2. We will cre­ate a safe space to reflect and review.
3. We will learn from our mis­takes and suc­cess­es and share our learning.

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