NHS Eng­land and our local NHS provider have decid­ed that only nec­es­sary com­mu­ni­ca­tions will be under­tak­en dur­ing the peri­od of mourn­ing fol­low­ing the death of Her Majesty Queen Eliz­a­beth ll. 

This deci­sion will not impact com­mu­ni­ca­tions nec­es­sary to patient care, patient care, appoint­ments or any oper­a­tions that under­pin the run­ning of NHS services:

“…most proac­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions from across our organ­i­sa­tion. This includes press releas­es, social media posts and vir­tu­al or in per­son events and webi­na­rs. If you have any meet­ings or events which are not required to keep ser­vices run­ning nor­mal­ly and require any advice on how to pro­ceed, please see Gov­ern­ment guid­ance on nation­al mourning:

which is avail­able online here

Our local NHS part­ner has made men­tal health sup­port avail­able to staff of both the NHS and its wider cross sec­tor partners:

As Act As One part­ners, The VCS Alliance feels this is the cor­rect deci­sion and will there­fore be only under­tak­ing those com­mu­ni­ca­tions nec­es­sary to the con­tin­ued oper­a­tion of the organisation. 

We would like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty, on behalf of the VCS, to offer our con­do­lences to the Roy­al Fam­i­ly on their per­son­al loss. 

You can view the response from our local NHS provider here: https://rb.gy/61wsya

Death of Queen Eliz­a­beth ll — Mes­sage from The VCS Alliance and our Act As One Partners
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