Transforming Mental Health Services in Community

VCSE Core Ser­vice — Healthy Minds Peri­patet­ic Men­tal Health Sup­port Ser­vice in Community

Transforming Mental Health Services in Community

Fol­low­ing a brief­ing ses­sion held in Jan­u­ary with around 50 VCSE organ­i­sa­tions, changes have been agreed to the process and timescales for full mobil­i­sa­tion and the back­ground brief­ing doc­u­ment has been updat­ed. Please ensure that you have read and ful­ly under­stand the Back­ground Brief­ing updat­ed Feb­ru­ary 2024. This doc­u­ment includes a copy of the full Ser­vice Spec­i­fi­ca­tion which you are also invit­ed to famil­iarise your­self with.
Please note this Back­ground Brief­ing doc­u­ment super­sedes any pre­vi­ous­ly shared. If you down­loaded any doc­u­ments relat­ing to this oppor­tu­ni­ty pre­vi­ous­ly, please dis­card and down­load the updat­ed infor­ma­tion at the bot­tom of the page.

Are you ready to be a dri­ving force for change?
The VCS Alliance is on the look­out for dynam­ic, vision­ary VCSE organ­i­sa­tions to take the helm as Lead Ser­vice Provider(s) in our ground­break­ing VCSE Core Ser­vice: the Healthy Minds Peri­patet­ic Men­tal Health Sup­port Ser­vice in Community.

This ele­ment of the ser­vice will be launch­ing 1st April 2024; this rev­o­lu­tion­ary ini­tia­tive promis­es to trans­form men­tal health sup­port in our com­mu­ni­ty. We are seek­ing pas­sion­ate lead­ers who are eager to make a dif­fer­ence and cham­pi­on men­tal well-being for all.

Join us on this exhil­a­rat­ing jour­ney as we pave the way for a brighter, health­i­er future in Brad­ford. Togeth­er, we’ll break bar­ri­ers, ignite change, and empow­er indi­vid­u­als to thrive.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of some­thing extra­or­di­nary and be a cat­a­lyst for pos­i­tive trans­for­ma­tion in Bradford!

Those inter­est­ed are invit­ed to com­plete the Expres­sion of Inter­est form and sub­mit it to The VCS Alliance by email ( by no lat­er than 9am on
Mon­day 26th Feb­ru­ary 2024.

In order to be eli­gi­ble as a deliv­ery provider part­ner in this excit­ing pro­gramme there is a strict and detailed set of eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria as below (see pg. 8 Back­ground Brief­ing for unabridged version):
Com­mu­ni­ty based and not for profit
Rel­e­vant poli­cies, pro­ce­dures and insur­ance in place (require­ments will dif­fer between Lead and Part­ner deliv­ery providers)
A busi­ness bank­ing account requir­ing at least two signatories
A min­i­mum of three years finan­cial records
Agree to work with­in the val­ues of the VCS Alliance:
Abil­i­ty to recruit work­force and mobilise peri­patet­ic ser­vice by 1st April 2024
Demon­stra­ble track record of deliv­er­ing men­tal health sup­port in com­mu­ni­ty for peo­ple with SMI and work­ing in part­ner­ship with statu­to­ry men­tal health services .
Demon­stra­ble expe­ri­ence of sup­port and super­vi­sion for work­force with lived expe­ri­ence and pro­vide clin­i­cal super­vi­sion where appropriate.
Demon­stra­ble expe­ri­ence of lead­ing con­tracts and sub­con­tract­ing oth­er VCSE organisations
Knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence of work­ing with com­mu­ni­ties with­in the local­i­ty of interest
Suc­cess­ful track record of part­ner­ship work­ing local­ly across sectors
Abil­i­ty to ensure that activ­i­ty and finan­cial records are man­aged and main­tained to high stan­dards and are report­ed when required
A suit­able ref­er­ence from a pre­vi­ous fun­der of a part­ner­ship based ser­vice involv­ing the organ­i­sa­tion express­ing an interest
Data Secu­ri­ty and Pro­tec­tion — organ­i­sa­tions seek­ing to act as a local Lead Ser­vice Provider will need to have com­plet­ed the NHS Data Secu­ri­ty and Pro­tec­tion Toolk­it (NHS DSPT)

If your organ­i­sa­tion meets the above cri­te­ria and want to be be a part of an inno­v­a­tive and excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty, we would urge you to read the relat­ed doc­u­ments and sub­mit your Expres­sion of Interest.

Please use the but­tons below to access all the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments and information.

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