“Hel­lo my name is… Sam Keigh­ley. In Jan­u­ary I was priv­i­leged to take on the role of Chief Exec­u­tive of the VCS Alliance and the VCSE Health Sys­tem Lead for the Brad­ford Dis­trict and Craven Health and Care Part­ner­ship. In my role as VCSE health sys­tem lead.

I am going to try and upload a video blog every few months, but now that I’ve made it to the end of my tenth week, it feels like the ide­al time to reflect on what’s been hap­pen­ing, what I’ve been learn­ing and what’s com­ing next

We will try and pro­vide a video tran­script with each video blog for down­load, but this may not always be possible.”

March 2023 Blog Entry

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“…So, what’s my role and how can I help you…
In my VCSE sys­tem lead role my focus will be to fur­ther devel­op the con­nec­tions and col­lab­o­ra­tion across our VCSE sec­tor and between our sec­tor and our wider health and care part­ners. We all have a shared ambi­tion to ‘Act as One’ to help peo­ple stay ‘hap­py, healthy at home’, and we’re all com­mit­ted to get­ting behind the efforts to tack­le health and wider inequal­i­ties.

April/ May 2023 Blog Entry

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Extract from video 

Morn­ing, everyone. 

Sor­ry I can’t be there in per­son this morn­ing, but one of my oth­er roles is as the joint respon­si­ble offi­cer with Dun­can Coop­er from the Inequal­i­ties Alliance for Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ships, and I’ve got to be a meet­ing about that this morn­ing
But I think most of you know now that I’m try­ing to be as trans­par­ent and open about the things that I’m involved in, on behalf of the sec­tor and advo­cat­ing for the sec­tor
So I hope this lit­tle video is a good alter­na­tive to me being there in person…”

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