Please apply using the online form available here

Background to Health Messaging Campaigns

Across the Bradford District and Craven significant health inequalities are determining how long and how well people in our most deprived communities live. In order to close this gap in some of our most deprived communities, a programme called Reducing Inequalities in Communities (RIC) is now live.

RIC enables residents in central Bradford to work together with organisations, partners and stakeholders to bridge the gaps to good health and living well.

The VCS Alliance is leading on the RIC Health Messaging project to deliver 3 campaigns each year across the City Community Partnership areas. Each one of these campaigns will be supported by a small grants opportunity for grass roots community organisations.


The City area Community Partnerships where these campaigns will be delivered are:

CP Area CP Name
Community Partnership 4 (CP4) Together 4 Health
Community Partnership 5 (CP5) Central 5 CP
Community Partnership 6 (CP6) Bradford City and Horton Collaborative



Project Description Health Messaging Campaign 2: Cervical screening/ cancer and HPV Awareness

Bradford as a district has some of the lowest uptake of cervical screening across the UK; The VCS Alliance is working in partnership with NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (commissioning partner) and The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance (delivery partner) to deliver a health messaging campaign that will see grassroots and community groups work in their Community Partnership areas to raise awareness and understanding of:

  • Cervical screening
  • Cervical cancer
  • HPV (Human papillomavirus)
  • Tackle the myths and misconceptions about who gets a cervical screen and why
  • Tackle the myths and misconceptions about who has the HPV vaccination and why
  • Support GP practices in their Community Partnership area to meet cervical screening targets by increasing uptake through positive and trusted health messaging

Target groups.

Within the City Community Partnership areas delivery must be targeted at:

South Asian women or people with a cervix 25+ Cervical screening
South Asian girls and young women, people with a cervix/ boys and young men 12-25 years old HPV
Roma women or people with a cervix 25+ Cervical screening
Roma girls and young women, people with a cervix/ boys and young men 12-25 years old HPV

Additional Target groups.

After consulting with representatives of specific communities of interest it has been decided that Health Messaging that meets the additional needs of these groups is both desirable and necessary; these communities of interest have unique barriers to accessing these health provisions We would welcome applications from projects supporting people with:

Physical disability

Sensory Impairments (Visual / Hearing)

Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD
Mental disability/ Psychological disorders Cognitive or Learning Impairment Invisible disabilities

We would welcome applications that look to joint work between groups working with the general population and those groups supporting the specific communities of interest in the above table. Please be aware; if applying to work around disability you must have a proven track record of this kind of work which must be detailed in your application.


Criteria for applicants

  • This funding is only open to not-for-profit Voluntary and Community Sector organisations, Social Enterprises, non-constituted grass roots community groups. Schools, GP surgeries. Private businesses, sole traders, individuals or statutory organisations are not eligible.
  • Projects must demonstrate how the funding will be used to support the health and wellbeing of people in their respective Community Partnership area.
  • Projects must describe how they will ensure that activities are delivered in COVID-secure ways.
  • Projects must not duplicate existing services or activities.
  • We would welcome proposals that compliment and seek to add value to existing projects/ activities. Applicants would be asked to ensure this did not lead to double funding.
  • Applicant projects must demonstrate in the application form a history of delivering in their target communities, that is:
    • either a demonstrable history of delivering in the target area/ and or to the highlighted target groups (South Asian males and females, people with a cervix/ Roma males and females, people with a cervix)
  • A commitment to undertake mandatory training
  • How they could build an element of this health messaging work into other project work they are or will be delivering giving an element of sustainability
  • If participants are connected to the RIC Community Development Worker for support to register with GP, we would ask that you log those that have been helped in this way.


Mandatory training for project delivery staff

Because of the nature of this health messaging topic we need to ensure this work is informed, and delivered sensitively, therefore certain training is mandatory. All applicants must commit a named lead worker on the application form. The mandatory training is as follows:

South Asian girls and women or people with a cervix/ boys and young men Cervical screening  Online. (This training covers HPV awareness and is therefore necessary for working with boys and or young men).
Roma girls and women 

Cervical screening


Roma awareness training

Online. (This training covers HPV awareness and is therefore necessary for working with boys and or young men).

Delivery format for this is to be confirmed


Application Process

Applications will be assessed by an independent decision-making panel. Please use these bullet points when writing your application.

  • The assessment will be based on:
    • How is the group planning to meet the stated aims of this funding using an Asset Based Community Development Approach?
    • A demonstrable history of delivery to the specified target group(s)/ work in the Community Partnership area
    • A commitment to mandatory training
    • Included in the proposal/ application – how they would link in with the RIC Community Development Workers to support participants who are not registered with a GP to access primary health care through GP registration. If you are not registered with a GP you will not receive an invitation to a cervical screening.
    • Inclusion of event during cervical screening awareness week – this should be used as a celebration and to give you the opportunity to tie up your project work
    • If you have received grants from The VCS Alliance previously, has all monitoring been completed and returned 
    • Project work must have a 70-30 weighting:
      • 70% of participants cervical screening (25+),
      • 30% of participants HPV (12-25 years old)


Funding Available

There is no minimum award for successful applicants; all award amounts are set at £2000

Though this is an open funding round, 2 projects per Community Partnership area will be asked to deliver this work, 6 delivery projects in total.

Organisations who have not previously received funding, and those who have previously received funding AND have satisfactorily returned Evaluation Forms will be prioritised. If you are unsure if any of your organisation’s previous Evaluation Forms have been received, please check before submitting your application.


Outcomes and Monitoring

Successful applicants will be required to report the following information:

Number of contacts made, broken down (where at all possible) into:

  • Protected characteristic groups
    • Self-reported age (12-25, 26-30, 31-50, 51-65, 65+).
    • Self-reported gender
    • Self-reported ethnicity

2 short reports from each Delivery Provider (this will be in the form of the Progress Update and the Final Evaluation)

    • Reviewing of the positives and the ‘even better ifs’.
    • Hints and tips of what they’ve found works well to reach their demographic.

2 x Case Studies (2 paragraphs at most) from Delivery Partners of the difference the input has made with individuals they’ve worked with,

    • These reports may be shared with commissioners and partners, it is therefore necessary for you to secure permission to share these reports and that there is not identifiable information contained in them.

All funded projects will be asked to report against the outcomes and KPI’s. (The same outcomes and KPI’s will measure both South Asian and Roma participation). Positive movement for the KPI’s will be measured with 3 very simple and short questionnaires, they will have to be delivered:

  • 1st at the start of a participants contact with the project
  • 2nd at the midpoint of the project 
  • 3rd at the end of the project

 The surveys will be delivered through survey monkey, the link for which will be at the bottom of this page along with the other Necessary Downloads, or you can download them if you this is an easier way for you to deliver them. If you decided to download you will be required to send them to us either by email of post, or you are more than welcome to visit us at the office and hand deliver them.

Though we recognise not all participants will agree to complete a questionnaire,  they are necessary to inform the outcomes and KPI’s.


Important Dates:

  • Deadline for applications is the Friday 14th January 2022 
  • Deadline for progress updates is 31st March 2022
  • Project end date is 26th June 2022
  • Cervical screening awareness week is 20th – 26th June 2022
  • Deadline for final evaluations is 15th July 2022


Community Anchor Support

For support with your project idea, writing your bid or information, advice and guidance whilst running your project please contact your RIC Community Development Worker.

Community Partnership Community Partnership Anchor Organisation RIC Community Development Worker
Together 4 Health (CP4) Girlington Community Advice and Training Centre Mohammed Imran
Central 5 Community Partnership (CP5) The Thornbury Centre Pam Knott
Bradford City and Horton Collaborative (CP6) Bradford Trident Jennifer Scott



Please apply using the online form available here

Please go to this page for necessary information you will need as well as project reliant downloads.


A copy of guidance and application form is available to download below.

Download RIC Health Messaging Campaign 2: Cervical screening/ cancer and HPV Awareness Application as a PDF here.

Download RIC Health Messaging Campaign 2: Cervical screening/ cancer and HPV Awareness Application as a Word document here.

Download RIC Health Messaging Campaign 2: Cervical screening/ cancer and HPV Awareness Guidance as a PDF here.

Download RIC Health Messaging Campaign 2: Cervical screening/ cancer and HPV Awareness Guidance as a Word document here.

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