Brad­ford City and Dis­tricts Extend­ed Access Hub VCS Ser­vices Jan to Mar 2018 — Expres­sions of Inter­est sought

Brad­ford VCS Alliance (BVCSA) is seek­ing expres­sions of inter­est from Vol­un­tary and Com­mu­ni­ty Sec­tor (VCS) providers to deliv­er week­day evening ses­sions at West­bourne Green Health­care Cen­tre between Jan­u­ary and March 2018. This work is part of a wider “Extend­ed Access” project at the West­bourne Green Hub. The over­all project is man­aged by Brad­ford Care Alliance and pro­vides a range of sup­port to peo­ple using 23 GP prac­tices in the sur­round­ing area.
VCS Extend­ed Access ser­vices have been run as a pilot since June, this ends in Decem­ber. As a result of the learn­ing from the pilot, and changes to the hours avail­able, we are seek­ing providers able to sup­port the next stage of this evolv­ing ser­vice. The VCS will pro­vide 2 types of support:
• Wel­fare and Ben­e­fits Advice (12 hours per week)
• Men­tal Well­be­ing sup­port (3 ½ hours per week)
Gen­er­al requirements
• VCS Extend­ed Access ser­vices must be deliv­ered between Mon­day and Thurs­day, 6.30 to 9.30pm
• Regard­less of ser­vice uptake, providers will be avail­able at the Hub for the agreed hours
• Where appro­pri­ate, Hub ser­vices will sign­post peo­ple to oth­er VCS services

Wel­fare, debt and ben­e­fits advice
Each week it will pro­vide 12 hours of wel­fare, debt and ben­e­fits sup­port advice fol­low­ing refer­ral from one of 23 prac­tices sup­port­ed by the hub. Where nec­es­sary peo­ple will be referred onward to the Men­tal Well­be­ing service.
Men­tal well­be­ing support
This will be new sup­port at the Hub, based on feed­back from GPs and peo­ple using their ser­vices. Ini­tial­ly it will pro­vide 3 ½ hours of men­tal well­be­ing sup­port each week fol­low­ing refer­ral from the wel­fare, debt and ben­e­fits advice service.

• Tues­day 5th Decem­ber 3pm – dead­line for pro­vid­ing your expres­sion of interest
• Wednes­day 6th Decem­ber 2017 — meet­ing for providers who’ve sub­mit­ted and expres­sion of interest
• Week com­menc­ing 18th Decem­ber 2017 – over­all approach and VCS Providers agreed
• Mon­day 8th Jan­u­ary 2018 — ser­vices commence
Val­ue: Providers will receive approx­i­mate­ly £30 per hour the ser­vice is avail­able at the Hub
Con­flicts of Inter­est: It is expect­ed that the suc­cess­ful bid­der will not be con­flict­ed in any part of this work.

We wel­come col­lab­o­ra­tive approach­es to deliv­ery. Please send your expres­sion of inter­est using the form pro­vid­ed, to Pol­ly Mel­lor by 3pm Tues­day 5th December

In your Expres­sion of Inter­est please briefly explain how your organ­i­sa­tion has the right expe­ri­ence, skills and capac­i­ty to deliv­er this piece of work. Tell us briefly about the work of your organ­i­sa­tion and the staff you will be involv­ing in this work. Fur­ther to your expres­sion of inter­est, please expect to attend a meet­ing to dis­cuss this on Wednes­day 6th Decem­ber in Brad­ford prob­a­bly between 1 and 2.30 pm (we will con­firm). We are espe­cial­ly keen to encour­age part­ner­ship and col­lab­o­ra­tive work­ing across the sector.

Extend­ed Access Form


Bradford VCS Alliance Marketplace Events

Octo­ber 2017

Com­mu­ni­ty Action Brad­ford & Dis­trict (CAB&D) on behalf of the Brad­ford VCS Alliance invites you to attend an impor­tant FREE event for all VCS organ­i­sa­tions deliv­er­ing health and social care sup­port in Brad­ford and Craven.

These impor­tant ses­sions will help to pre­pare us for work­ing togeth­er under the new Account­able Care Sys­tem. We will agree how to progress and work togeth­er, enabling equal par­tic­i­pa­tion in an open and account­able way, such as by look­ing at:

•    The way we will decide how VCS con­tracts under the Account­able Care Sys­tem are delivered
•    The vision and val­ues we share and uphold
•    What our new deliv­ery part­ner­ship should be called

Who can come?
All Vol­un­tary and Com­mu­ni­ty Sec­tor organ­i­sa­tions (not for prof­it) who deliv­er health and social care sup­port to any­one in Brad­ford Dis­trict or Craven.

Venues, dates and times
The ses­sions will be repeat­ed 3 times on 3 sep­a­rate days (a total of 9 iden­ti­cal sessions).

Find fur­ther infor­ma­tion and book your place by click­ing below on the ses­sion you’d like to attend

Fri­day 20th Octo­ber — Carlisle Busi­ness Cen­tre, (Cen­tral Bradford)
•    Carlisle Break­fast Ses­sion, break­fast pro­vid­ed 8.00–8.30am
•    Carlisle Lunchtime Ses­sion, lunch pro­vid­ed 12.00–12.30pm
12 noon – 3.00pm
•    Carlisle After­noon Tea Ses­sion, light after­noon tea pro­vid­ed 4.00–4.30pm
4.00pm – 7.00pm — CANCELLED. Please note all oth­er ses­sions are still available

Book­ings will also open short­ly for the fol­low­ing sessions:

Tues­day 7th Novem­ber – Progress at Project 6, 12a Rus­sell Street, Keigh­ley (Keigh­ley)
•    Project6 Break­fast Ses­sion, break­fast pro­vid­ed 8.00–8.30am
•    Project6 Lunchtime Ses­sion, lunch pro­vid­ed 12.00–12.30pm
12 noon – 3.00pm
•    Project6 After­noon Tea Ses­sion, light after­noon tea pro­vid­ed 4.00–4.30pm
4.00pm – 7.00pm

Thurs­day 9th Novem­ber — New­lands Com­mu­ni­ty Asso­ci­a­tion (Idle/Eccleshill)
•    New­lands Break­fast Ses­sion, break­fast pro­vid­ed 8.00–8.30am
•    New­lands Lunchtime Ses­sion, lunch pro­vid­ed 12.00–12.30pm
12 noon – 3.00pm
•    New­lands After­noon Tea Ses­sion, light after­noon tea pro­vid­ed 4.00–4.30pm
4.00pm – 7.00pm


Mem­bers of the Alliance hold the signed Alliance agree­ment mark­ing an impor­tant achieve­ment on the road to cre­at­ing an account­able care sys­tem for Brad­ford district.

The Bradford Provider Alliance Agreement is Signed

April 2017

This Alliance Agree­ment is a legal agree­ment between the five part­ner organ­i­sa­tions that make up the Brad­ford Provider Alliance (Brad­ford VCS Alliance, Brad­ford Care Alliance, Brad­ford Teach­ing Hos­pi­tals NHS Foun­da­tion Trust, Brad­ford Dis­trict Care NHS Foun­da­tion Trust and Brad­ford Coun­cil) and the two Brad­ford CCGs.
The Alliance Agree­ment looks to pro­vide an over­ar­ch­ing arrange­ment which gov­erns inte­grat­ed mul­ti-par­ty solu­tions for health, care and sup­port across the geo­graph­i­cal area cov­ered by the two Brad­ford CCGs. The five organ­i­sa­tions will togeth­er form an Alliance in order to devel­op an improved finan­cial, gov­er­nance and con­trac­tu­al frame­work for deliv­er­ing inte­grat­ed health, sup­port and com­mu­ni­ty care for the pop­u­la­tion cov­ered by the CCGs.
The Alliance agree­ment will work along­side the Ser­vices Con­tracts between the CCGs and the Providers for the deliv­ery of the Services;
the Sec­tion 75 Agree­ment entered into by the CCGs and the Coun­cil under which they com­mis­sion the ser­vices list­ed in the sched­ules to that agree­ment and the MoU entered into by the Providers under which they agree to work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly in respect of the Ser­vices and the Council.
Mem­bers of Brad­ford VCS Alliance have been work­ing hard along side col­leagues from the oth­er part­ner organ­i­sa­tions and the CCGs to agree and finalise the doc­u­ment. The final ver­sion was signed on 28 April 2017. Jen White, BVCSA Pro­gramme Lead cel­e­brat­ed this key moment by stat­ing that “this start­ed off as a col­lab­o­ra­tion and an aspi­ra­tion and we have pro­gressed to being a part­ner and sig­na­to­ry in the Alliance”


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