Deliv­ery Area:

Brad­ford Dis­trict & Craven

Reg­is­tra­tion & Appli­ca­tion


Reg­is­ter by Fri 3rd Novem­ber.

Sub­mis­sion by Fri 10th November

Award amount:

£500 — £6000

Infor­ma­tion for Applicants

Please ensure you down­load the HPOC Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Mak­ing awards Infor­ma­tion Pack. It will help you under­stand how to apply, the process and the role of applicants.

Appli­cants must reg­is­ter on the appli­ca­tion por­tal by Fri­day 3rd Novem­ber 2023, and appli­ca­tion must be sub­mit­ted by the 10th Novem­ber 2023.

Sec­tion 1a

About HPOC — Har­ness­ing the Pow­er of Com­mu­ni­ties
Har­ness­ing the Pow­er of Com­mu­ni­ties (HPoC) is a trans­for­ma­tion pro­gramme. It exists to embed the third sec­tor in all areas of health and care through both inclu­sion and invest­ment with­in the West York­shire & Har­ro­gate dis­trict. (Brad­ford Dis­trict & Craven, Calderdale, Har­ro­gate & Rur­al Dis­trict, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield).

One of the ways it is doing this is being recog­nis­ing, through fund­ing and com­mis­sion­ing, the abil­i­ty of the VCSE sec­tor to devel­op and deliv­er inno­v­a­tive and pow­er­ful pro­grammes the are trans­for­ma­tion­al for com­mu­ni­ties, and com­mu­ni­ty health and wellbeing.

The HPOC steer­ing group if organ­i­sa­tions in Brad­ford have designed a Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Capac­i­ty Pro­gramme (SCP).

SCP activ­i­ties will sup­port the devel­op­ment of Com­mu­ni­ty Anchor ‘net­works’ ie capac­i­ty build­ing small­er groups based around a Com­mu­ni­ty Anchor to improve qual­i­ty, increase local col­lab­o­ra­tion and pro­vide sustainability.

Along­side this a small grants pro­gramme has been agreed that will run along­side the SCP strand. Unlike the SCP which is tar­get­ing spe­cif­ic areas of high­est depri­va­tion across Brad­ford Dis­trict and Craven, the small grants pro­gramme will sup­port appli­ca­tions tar­get­ing any part of Brad­ford and Craven District.

Sec­tion 1b

Addi­tion­al Access/ Sup­port Needs

If you have addi­tion­al access needs, such as:

Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der (ASD),
Visu­al impair­ment,
Hear­ing impair­ment,
BSL com­mu­ni­ca­tion

Please con­tact the Grants Man­ag­er ( to dis­cuss how we can sup­port you to access this process as ful­ly and equi­tably as possible.

Sec­tion 2

Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Making

Before apply­ing for the HPOC Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Fund­ing Awards you are required to ensure you under­stand what is expect­ed of apply­ing for this award.

Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Mak­ing and Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Bud­get­ing are very dif­fer­ent to the appli­ca­tion process­es you may be used to and takes place in dis­tinct stages.

Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry grant-mak­ing is the prac­tice of ced­ing grant-mak­ing pow­er to affect­ed com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and con­stituen­cies. In prac­tice, it means plac­ing affect­ed com­mu­ni­ties at the cen­ter of grant-mak­ing by giv­ing them the pow­er to decide who and what to fund.

Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry grant-mak­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly ben­e­fits affect­ed com­mu­ni­ties, by ensur­ing they have a direct say in decid­ing how phil­an­thropy resources are used. But it ben­e­fits fun­ders as well. This form of grant-mak­ing allows us to learn from and bet­ter align our grant-mak­ing with the needs and aspi­ra­tions of local com­mu­ni­ties. It also helps us reach new groups that would oth­er­wise have been off our radar.

Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Bud­get­ing and Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Mak­ing are often used inter­change­ably, though there are dif­fer­ences this video is also applic­a­ble
to Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Making

The Appli­ca­tion process in brief

Stage 1.
Sub­mit an appli­ca­tion via online por­tal here. You will be required to reg­is­ter an account. (See sec­tion 7)

Stage 2.
Appli­ca­tions are stud­ied to ensure they meet the basic expec­ta­tions of who can apply, and the very lim­it­ed list of things that can’t be fund­ed. See sec­tion 3 below

Stage 3.
Appli­cants that pass Stage 2 will receive an invi­ta­tion to attend the Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry event/ Deci­sion Mak­ing Day. They will also be sent infor­ma­tion, in the form of an Infor­ma­tion Pack, about what will hap­pen on this day and what appli­cant organ­i­sa­tion will.

Stage 4.
Before the Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry event/ Deci­sion Mak­ing Day takes place appli­cant organ­i­sa­tions will have the
oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend one or more of the Infor­ma­tion and Sup­port Ses­sions (via ZOOM) that will be sched­uled in the run up to the Deci­sion Mak­ing Day. You will receive all the infor­ma­tion about these days
in the Infor­ma­tion Pack.

Stage 5.
Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Event/ Deci­sion Mak­ing Day:
1. All appli­cants will have 3 mins to pitch their idea to all the oth­er appli­cant organ­i­sa­tions. This is your chance to sell your idea to your peers, remem­ber you have the script for this in your appli­ca­tion!
2. After a group of 5 pitch­es have been heard you will be asked to vote. This will be repeat­ed until all appli­cants have had a chance to pitch their idea.
3. Once all appli­cants have pitched their will be a 10 minute break when you will be able to amend your votes before final sub­mis­sion.
4. Once all the pitch­es have been com­plet­ed and votes count­ed, the deci­sions about which appli­ca­tions have been fund­ed will be announced. The appli­ca­tions with the most votes will be the ones fund­ed. This will con­tin­ue down the rank­ings until all the mon­ey has been allo­cat­ed.
5. There may be a sit­u­a­tion where some appli­ca­tions do not get fund­ed as there is a lim­it­ed pot of mon­ey. In this situation: 

  • We will run a short sec­ond process where we ask those projects fund­ed if there is room in their bud­get to donate some mon­ey back to the cen­tral pot.
  • Once this has been com­plet­ed, the appli­cants who were suc­cess­ful will be tak­en aside and asked to con­firm their bank details and awards will be processed over the pro­ceed­ing 2 days.
  • The full amount of mon­ey donat­ed back will be divid­ed equal­ly between the projects that did not receive fund­ing. They will then be giv­en 5 days to rework their bud­get to fit the donat­ed amount.

Sec­tion 3.

What can’t be funded

  • Activ­i­ties that should be fund­ed as a part of statu­to­ry provision.
  • Events and or activ­i­ties that have already tak­en place.
  • Activ­i­ties that exclude peo­ple on the basis of any pro­tect­ed char­ac­ter­is­tics. (Unless there are rea­sons such as safe­guard­ing con­cerns. Any exclu­sions must be explained in the application).
  • Polit­i­cal parties.
  • Statu­to­ry bod­ies for the most part will not be funded.

What can be fund­ed
All ideas will be con­sid­ered, apart from the above. Below are some examples.

  • One off events.
  • A series of events.
  • Resources to sup­port and increase capac­i­ty of existing/ ongo­ing work.
  • Extend­ing the work of exist­ing work. (If apply­ing under this cri­te­ria, appli­cants must ensure that dou­ble fund­ing does not occur. This must be explored in your application).
  • Pilot/ Test and See projects.
  • Direct project deliv­ery work.
  • Match-fund­ing.

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty — Who can apply

  • Infor­mal group
  • Grass­roots group — unconstituted
  • Grass­roots group constituted
  • CIO & CIC
  • Reg­is­tered Char­i­ty
    An unreg­is­tered vol­un­tary and com­mu­ni­ty organ­i­sa­tion with a not-for-prof­it constitution
  • Unin­cor­po­rat­ed Char­i­ta­ble Association
  • Oth­er Vol­un­tary Sec­tor organisations
  • Not-for-prof­it such as Social Enterprise
  • Indi­vid­u­als

Grant award amounts
£500 — £6000

Deliv­ery dura­tion:
All fund­ed activities/ projects etc must be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2024.

Geo­graph­i­cal area of deliv­ery
Appli­ca­tions are wel­come from indi­vid­u­als, groups, and organ­i­sa­tions from across the Brad­ford Dis­trict and Craven to deliv­er across the district. 

The­mat­ic areas of work
All appli­ca­tions must show how there pro­pos­al will ben­e­fit one or more of the fol­low­ing communities/ Inclu­sion groups. For more infor­ma­tion about each mar­gin­alised group please see Infor­ma­tion Pack

  • Gyp­sy and Trav­eller health
    • For exam­ple: The aver­age life expectan­cy amongst the Gyp­sy Trav­eller pop­u­la­tion is 50 years as opposed to 79 years in the gen­er­al population.
  • Roma Health
    • For exam­ple: Roma in the UK have poor­er health out­comes, the main issues are dia­betes, res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­eases, and high blood pressure.
  • Black women’s health and preg­nan­cy outcomes
    • For exam­ple: Black women are 3.7 times more like­ly to die than White women, and Asian women were 1.8 times more like­ly to die than White women.
  • Asy­lum seek­er and migrant pop­u­la­tion health
    • For exam­ple: Those seek­ing asy­lum or refugee sta­tus have greater instances of depres­sion, anx­i­ety PTSD than the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion and exhib­it ten­den­cies to self-harm and sui­cide direct­ly linked to the asy­lum process and hous­ing poli­cies, e.g., extend­ed stays in low bud­get hotels/ B&B’s.
  • Home­less­ness and health
    • For exam­ple: Peo­ple who sleep rough expe­ri­ence some of the most severe health inequal­i­ties and report much poor­er health than the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion. Many have co-occur­ring men­tal ill health and sub­stance mis­use needs, phys­i­cal health needs, and have expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant trau­ma in their lives.
  • Learn­ing dis­abil­i­ties and health
    • For exam­ple: The aver­age age of death for peo­ple with a learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ty was 56 years with the aver­age in the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion being 79 for males, 82.9 for females. 6 out of 10 peo­ple with a learn­ing dis­abil­i­ty died before they were 65, only 1 in 10 of the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion die before they are 65.
  • TRSE — Trans­port Relat­ed Social Exclu­sion
    • For exam­ple: This means being unable to access oppor­tu­ni­ties, key ser­vices, and com­mu­ni­ty life as much as need­ed, and fac­ing major obsta­cles in every­day life through the wider impacts of hav­ing to travel.

Sec­tion 4.

Infor­ma­tion pack for appli­cants.
This will be sent to appli­cants once the appli­ca­tion has been sub­mit­ted and checked.


  • Time­line and impor­tant dates
  • How to apply/ Cre­at­ing an account on the Appli­ca­tion Portal
  • Infor­ma­tion and Sup­port sessions
  • What is Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Making
  • The Deci­sion Mak­ing Day
  • Sched­ule
  • What is expect­ed of applicants
  • The Vot­ing Process
  • Awards and Banking
  • Report­ing

Sec­tion 5.

Link to appli­ca­tion form

Appli­cants will be required to reg­is­ter before gain­ing access to the appli­ca­tion form.

Sec­tion 6.

West York­shire and Har­ro­gate Health and Care Part­ner­ship HPoC Infor­ma­tion Pack

Appli­ca­tion Por­tal Reg­is­tra­tion Instruc­tions and Access­ing the Appli­ca­tion Form

Sec­tion 7.

Impor­tant dates: All appli­cants must attend one of the sup­port sessions.

Sup­port Ses­sion 1
Mon 09 Octo­ber 2023
13:00 — 14:30
ID: 883 6550 7257
Pass­code: 100672
Sup­port Ses­sion 2
Wed 11 Octo­ber 2023
14:00 — 15:30
ID: 835 5304 1717
Pass­code: 423190
Sup­port Ses­sion 3
Fri 13 Octo­ber 2023
14:00 — 15:00
ID: 821 9782 8496
Pass­code: 002116
HPoC Grant Awards open for applicationsMon­day 2 Octo­ber 2023.
12 noon
Appli­cants must reg­is­ter on the por­tal byFri­day 3rd Novem­ber 2023.
HPoC Grant Awards close for applicationsFri­day 10 Novem­ber 2023.
Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Grant Mak­ing EventWednes­day 29th Novem­ber 2023 —
The Ganges The­atre Hall
Kala Sangam
St Peter’s House,
1 Forster Ct,
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