It is a requirement of all grant funding that progress updates and final evaluations are completed by the stipulated reporting dates, unless it has been agreed with the Grants Manager.

Projects put a lot of time and effort into securing grant funding, but sometimes forget an important key stage: reporting to funders. Others produce perfunctory reports which do not bring their work to life, and do not convey the positive impact the grant has had on both the organisation and its beneficiaries.

Instead, reporting to funders should be a crucial part of your fundraising cycle as it plays such an important part in how any subsequent grant applications will be viewed.

The problems

Although the majority of projects we fund return reporting when required, there has been increasing instances of:

  • Projects failing to submit reports
  • Failing to inform us of issues
  • Requesting extensions on the final day
  • Ignoring prompts and reminders
  • Failing to inform us of changes to contact information
  • Very basic reporting that does not demonstrate the positive work being done

The impact

Failure to submit reporting may put this funding at risk which would adversely impact the communities and vulnerable people we are all trying to support though this work. We hope you understand why we have to be so strict about this matter, and please be assured this is not a process we wish to or enjoy using.

We do recognise that for some groups the reporting process is perhaps new and something you have concerns about, if this is the case please talk to us and we can put you in touch with people that can support you.

3 Step Process for late/ missing reports

It is a necessary component of all grant award funding that reporting is completed by the stipulated dates unless extensions have been sought and agreed with the Grants Manager, all requests for an extension must be in writing to:

A request is not a guarantee that an extension will be granted.

Though The VCS Alliance tries to be as supportive and understanding as possible there may be times when we have to impose sanctions on grant applicants as a result of reports being late or missing. Where possible we will send out reminders as a matter of course, but this is a courtesy. It is the responsibility of all grant applicants to make themselves aware of any and all submission dates and ensure these are met.

To enable us to send out reporting reminders grant applicants are asked to inform us when there are changes to contact emails etc, this will ensure that reminders are received.

We try to keep the reporting process as simple as possible and are continually evaluating it to see where it can be improved. If you have any suggestions or observations please feel free to contact

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