Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Flexible Support Fund (FSF) 2022 Panel Member application form

The VCS Alliance and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have agreed funding for an innovative project to help people farthest from the job market to start their journey towards it. The project will take place across Bradford District, managed by The VCS Alliance supported by the DWP Flexible Support Fund.

The intention of the project is to improve employment outcomes and prospects of future employment, for people who are long-term unemployed, or facing complex and multiple barriers to Job Centre support and getting into work.

The project will support people to access and/or re-integrate with the job market via Job Centre Plus by addressing a wide range of potential barriers to this.

The 18-month contract will commence August 2022 and be delivered by intensive navigator/coaching support 1-2-1 with people in the cohort. Overall, the project will employ 6 FTE posts across the VCSE partners. It will deliver from multiple community locations across Bradford District.

This project is an amazing opportunity to demonstrate the game changing role that VCSE sector organisations can play in helping people to overcome barriers to employment services.

The Panel

We are seeking people to join an Independent Decision Making Panel to review expressions of interest from potential delivery partners, and agree who those partners will be. The panel will meet on either Thursday 9th or Friday 10th June.

The panel will identify voluntary and community sector organisations with potential to effectively deliver the project in partnership with one another, and who can realise the value of collaborative project delivery. Guidance will be provided to Panel Members to aid decision making.

Panel members are invited from all sectors locally, especially people with knowledge and experience of:

It is vital that this service begins delivery by August 2022

To participate in this panel you must be available on either Thursday 9th or Friday 10th June

Please read the full specification here before applying through the Survey Monkey Link:
Link to Survey Monkey Panel Application form
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