Our ser­vice is a new ele­ment of the CORE com­mu­ni­ty men­tal health pro­gramme in Brad­ford. The ser­vice exists to sup­port peo­ple in a com­mu­ni­ty set­ting who are expe­ri­enc­ing seri­ous men­tal ill­ness and, who can­not cur­rent­ly access statu­to­ry ser­vices or are tran­si­tion­ing between statu­to­ry and com­mu­ni­ty sup­port. Oth­er com­mu­ni­ty based Vol­un­tary and Com­mu­ni­ty led ser­vices are avail­able for peo­ple expe­ri­enc­ing low­er lev­el men­tal ill health. 

CORE (VCS) Service Referral Criteria

The cri­te­ria out­lined applies to indi­vid­u­als with severe men­tal health con­di­tions such as psy­chosis or eat­ing dis­or­ders, as well as those with­out a for­mal diag­no­sis but expe­ri­enc­ing sig­nif­i­cant emo­tion­al dis­tress affect­ing their qual­i­ty of life. Geo­graph­ic lim­i­ta­tions dic­tate that ser­vices are avail­able only with­in spe­cif­ic Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work areas. The ser­vice caters to indi­vid­u­als aged 16 and above but excludes those already access­ing sec­ondary men­tal health ser­vices, deemed an imme­di­ate risk to them­selves or oth­ers, or with substance/alcohol issues pos­ing a risk or hin­der­ing ser­vice use. Refer­rals unable to be accept­ed are redi­rect­ed to alter­na­tive ser­vices as needed.

The full refer­ral cri­te­ria can be down­loaded here: 

All emails and attach­ments con­tain­ing per­son­al, sen­si­tive or iden­ti­fi­able client infor­ma­tion must be encrypt­ed before shar­ing with the CORE (VCS) ser­vice. Please refer to the guid­ance pro­vid­ed for help with encrypt­ing emails using Outlook.

Inspired Neigh­bour­hoods

For refer­rals reg­is­tered in either:

Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work 4
Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work 5
Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work 6

The Cel­lar Trust

For refer­rals reg­is­tered in either:

Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work 7
Brad­ford North­west Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work
Affin­i­ty Care Pri­ma­ry Care Network

Mind in Brad­ford

For refer­rals reg­is­tered in either:

Bin­g­ley Bub­ble Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work
5LE Pri­ma­ry Care Net­work
WISSH Pri­ma­ry Care Network

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