Deliv­ery Area:

Brad­ford Dis­trict & Craven

Impor­tant Dates:

Please see Sec­tion 3 below

Fund Total:


Infor­ma­tion for Applicants

If you would like to find out more and dis­cuss the oppor­tu­ni­ty with Zahra Niazi and the team then please reg­is­ter for the Online Bid­ders Brief­ing:

Sec­tion 1

About the Community Leaders Programme Grant Opportunity
Expressions of Interest are invited from all sectors and organisations across the Bradford District and Craven.

Work­ing in part­ner­ship with Zahra Niazi, Strate­gic Equal­i­ty, Diver­si­ty and Inclu­sion Lead of the Well­be­ing Board, the HERE4BDCC team are pleased to announce an invest­ment of £60k to sup­port the deliv­ery of a pro­gramme that sup­ports women devel­op their com­mu­ni­ty lead­er­ship skills, knowl­edge and aspirations. 

To diver­si­fy board rep­re­sen­ta­tion with­in all sec­tors and all kind of gov­er­nance structures.


  • Pro­vide a pro­gramme of per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment for cohorts of women tar­get­ing areas of high­est depri­va­tion as well as women who face addi­tion­al bar­ri­ers in pro­gress­ing into gov­er­nance roles such as those who are from minori­tized com­mu­ni­ties and/or from low socio-eco­nom­ic backgrounds.
  • Sup­port Board readi­ness includ­ing devel­op­ment around inclu­sive Board cul­tures – aim­ing to ensure that when new mem­bers join boards, they have a pos­i­tive and pro­duc­tive expe­ri­ence of inclu­sion. This aspect will need to be co-designed by col­leagues but could include shad­ow­ing, mentoring/buddying as well as
    spe­cial­ist training.

Sec­tion 1

Appli­cant support

To sup­port appli­cants to apply for the Com­mu­ni­ty Lead­er­ship Pro­gramme Grant Oppor­tu­ni­ty a full
spec­i­fi­ca­tion has been devel­oped which appli­cants are strong­ly advised to down­load; the spec­i­fi­ca­tion contains:

  • Overview
  • What has informed the thinking
  • What has been devel­oped so far
  • Your pitch to us (or what your appli­ca­tion should cover)

This can be accessed here:

Sec­tion 2

How to apply

The pro­gramme leads are ask­ing for a pitch on a page or 3
That is, they would like a writ­ten Expres­sion of Inter­est, no more than 3 sides of A4 covering:

  • About your organisation
  • How you will recruit, retain and engage the tar­get audience
  • How you will devel­op the con­tent of the pro­gramme delivery
  • What approach you will use for con­tin­u­al devel­op­ment support
  • How you intend to deliv­er the organ­i­sa­tion­al devel­op­ment of the programme
  • How you will keep the pro­gramme leads informed about progress etc
  • How you will eval­u­ate and mea­sure impact
  • How you will bud­get for deliv­ery of the programme

The pro­gramme leads are keen to empha­sise that this is a test and learn approach and they are will­ing to exper­i­ment and take risks.

All com­pet­ed Expres­sions of Inter­est should be emailed to: and emails clear­ly marked Com­mu­ni­ty Lead­ers Pro­gramme EOI.

Sec­tion 3.

Impor­tant dates

23rd Novem­ber 2023 2pm.Online Bid­ders Brief­ing: Please vis­it this link to book your place:
15th Jan­u­ary 2024 at 12 noon.Com­plet­ed EOI to
16th Jan­u­ary 2024.Noti­fi­ca­tion of suc­cess­ful short­list­ed providers via email
25th Jan­u­ary 2024.Assess­ment of short­list­ed providers between 10am and 2pm venue and indi­vid­ual tim­ings to be pro­vid­ed in noti­fi­ca­tion email
1st Feb­ru­ary 2024Deliv­ery start date
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