Please note that this Project is now closed.


The Bradford District and Craven Health and Wellbeing Plan is clear about the changes required across our ‘place’ to deliver a sustainable health, care and support system.  This will require integration of a significant nature and a paradigm shift for the NHS towards population health improvement and not just provision of health services.  Transformation has already started with a vision for Happy Healthy at Home underpinned by a range of programmes of work designed to manage rising demand on services through different approaches.  The most significant area of transformation is culture, behaviour and changing mindsets of service providers, commissioners and the people we serve.

Bradford City and Districts Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have invested non-recurrent funds to support and activate a range of grassroots community activities and ideas which will improve the health and wellbeing of local people. The intention is that the funding will promote the values and principles of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach which builds on the assets that are found in the community and mobilises individuals, associations, and institutions to come together to realise and develop their strengths.

ABCD is a set of values and principles which:

  • Identifies and makes visible the health enhancing assets in a community
  • Sees citizens and communities as the co-producers of health and wellbeing, rather than the recipients of services
  • Promotes community networks, relationships and friendships that can provide caring, mutual help and empowerment
  • Identifies what has the potential to improve health and well-being
  • Supports individuals’ health and well-being through self- esteem, coping strategies, resilience skills, relationships, friendships, knowledge and personal resources
  • Empower communities to control their futures and create tangible resources such as services, funds and buildings

(Foot and Hopkins 2010)

Project Description

There are a number of transformation programmes which support the asset based approach by promoting the health, wellbeing and independence of people by recognising the strengths or assets that people bring. These are:

  • Self-care and prevention
  • Community Partnerships
  • Prevention and early help
  • Community Led Support – adult social care
  • Healthy Bradford

The exact approach required will vary from place to place, with some communities having a good understanding of assets and needs, whereas other areas may need to develop this work. In all cases, representatives from the VCS anchor organisations will work with ward officers, local councillors, Community Partnerships leadership teams, Community Action Bradford and District (CAB&D) and those with connections in local communities to develop a comprehensive understanding of existing assets and identify potential opportunities that could increase capacity in those communities.

Communities and neighbourhoods need to feel confident that with this is the opportunity to improve things for local people and that they will have control over potential solutions. Funding and support will be available to facilitate the development of solutions with the aim of creating sustainable opportunities to improve health and wellbeing. The resources are available for one year and therefore cannot be spent on things requiring funding going forward. Developments have to be self-sustaining by the communities or services themselves.

This model will be an effective way of reaching projects and smaller organisations who can benefit from community development work as well as strengthening Community Partnerships and leaving a legacy within communities. This proposal has been put together in conjunction with the sector and the Community Anchors.

BVCSA will provide the following:

  • Project set up
  • Central financial administration and distribution
  • Collation of monitoring and final evaluation
  • Support and co-ordination for local workers

Application Process

Following 3 very successful rounds of ABCD Small Grant Funding, we have a small amount of money left to distribute. We have been very conscious that the previous rounds have been focussed on grass roots organisations in specific neighbourhoods, so we have special agreement to carry out one final round aimed at grass roots VCS projects working across Bradford.

There is a simple application process using a simple and accessible form.

Applications will be assessed by an independent decision-making panel which will include local ward officers/Councillors. The assessment will be based on how the group is planning to meeting health and wellbeing needs in their area of work, using a community development approach.

The aim of this project is to reach as many different groups and communities as possible. If more than one application seeks to work with the same group of people in the same area, then preference will be given to the group considered to have proposed the project which will deliver the best quality results.

The deadline for this final round of applications is Friday 25th October 2019 at 5pm.

Funding Available

Local community groups will be able to apply for £250 – £1000 to support their own project to meet the health and wellbeing needs within a specific area. Organisations can apply for more than one grant if they have access to a number of different community groups.  The key focus is for local community groups to have an ownership of the opportunity.

This funding is for the Bradford City and District CCG areas only. If you are unsure whether your project will be delivered in these areas, please contact us for advice. Applications for work in other areas will not be considered.

First priority will be given to organisations who have not been successful in previous ABCD applications. Then finally to organisations who may have previously received funding, and have satisfactorily returned Evaluation Forms. If you are unsure if your application has been received, please check before submitting your application.

Outcomes and Monitoring

Successful applicants will be required to report the following information about those they reach with their activity:

  • How their project went
  • The number of people
  • Their self-reported gender
  • Their self-reported age ranges (0-10, 11-18, 19-30, 31-50, 51-65, 65+)
  • Their self-reported evidence of improving health and wellbeing
  • Case Studies

The deadline for returning an update about your project is Friday 3rd January 2020.

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