It has been decided to extend the ABCD grants application window. All applications must be submitted by Friday 30th December 2022. 5pm

We have tak­en this deci­sion in recog­ni­tion that many projects have increas­ing­ly busy sched­ules in the run up to the Christ­mas Break, we do not wish you to miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty due to capac­i­ty; thank you to all those projects that have already sub­mit­ted applications. 

The VCS Alliance wish­es you all a peace­ful and relax­ing break and we look for­ward to being a small part of the fan­tas­tic work you all do in the New Year. 

What is Asset Based Community Development — ABCD?

All projects sup­port­ed through grant awards should be built around the prin­ci­ples of ABCD. We recog­nise that this can be a daunt­ing propo­si­tion if you don’t know what this is. So, we have put videos on the web­site to help you under­stand the prin­ci­ples of ABCD and we are sure you will see this is how many of you are already work­ing. These can be accessed by using the but­ton below…

Which Community Partnerships are taking part in this round

7 Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ships are tak­ing part in the round of ABCD Grant fund­ing, they are:

CP NameCP Num­berAppli­ca­tion Amounts and Delivery
Togeth­er 4 HealthCom­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship 4£500 — £2500
3 months to 12 months delivery
Cen­tral 5Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship 5Health Pri­or­i­ties 1
Up to £1500
6 months to 12 months deliv­ery
Health Pri­or­i­ty 2
Up to £1000
6 months to 12 months deliv­ery
Health Pri­or­i­ty 3
Up to £500
3 months to 6 months delivery
Hor­ton and City Health CollaborationCom­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship 6£250 — £750
Up to 6 months delivery
WOWCom­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship 7£500 — £1000
£2500 for excep­tion­al ideas/ appli­ca­tions
6 months to 12 months delivery
Affin­i­ty CareCom­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship 8/ 2B£250 — £1000
6 months to 12 months delivery
CravenCraven Com­mu­ni­ty Partnership£100 — £1000
Up to 12 months delivery
WharfedaleWharfedale Com­mu­ni­ty Partnership£500 — £1500
Up to 12 months delivery

Health Priorities

Each Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship has a Lead­er­ship Team that looks at health issues and con­cerns in their part­ner­ship area. All Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship Lead­er­ship Teams have a num­ber of health pro­fes­sion­als that are mem­bers of the Lead­er­ship Teams as well as vol­un­tary sec­tor and com­mu­ni­ty rep­re­sen­ta­tives. The Lead­er­ship Teams com­bine their sec­tor exper­tise and knowl­edge to try and under­stand the kind of health prob­lems peo­ple are expe­ri­enc­ing and build respons­es to that called health priorities.

The health pri­or­i­ties take a wider view of health that just clin­i­cal issues such as dis­ease and ill­ness and also take into account the under­ly­ing caus­es that can lead to clin­i­cal health prob­lems such as lone­li­ness and iso­la­tion, poor diet caused by finan­cial pres­sures, etc…

The health pri­or­i­ties for each part­ner­ship run­ning in this round of ABCD are below.

CP NamePri­or­i­ty 1Pri­or­i­ty 2Pri­or­i­ty 3Pri­or­i­ty 4
Togeth­er 4 HealthHealth Pri­or­i­ty 1. Chron­ic Health Con­di­tions
Appli­ca­tions to sup­port peo­ple around chron­ic health conditions
Health Pri­or­i­ty 2. Men­tal Health and Well­be­ing
Sup­port­ing peo­ple around men­tal health conditions
Health Pri­or­i­ty 3. Reduc­ing Obe­si­ty
Activ­i­ties that sup­port par­tic­i­pants to lead a more active lifestyle and reduce obesity.
Health Pri­or­i­ty 4. Reduc­ing infant mor­tal­i­ty
The Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship would like to see appli­ca­tions that work to tack­le this issue.
Health Pri­or­i­ty 5. Health edu­ca­tion, aware­ness and self-advo­ca­cy.
Work with res­i­dents to improve health lit­er­a­cy, aware­ness and self-advocacy
Cen­tral 5Health Pri­or­i­ty 1:
(Awards up to £1500) Chron­ic ill­ness — Yoga Pro­vi­sion Work­ing with peo­ple around chron­ic ill­ness. Chron­ic ill­ness means a long-term phys­i­cal condition. 
Health Pri­or­i­ty 2:
Cost of Liv­ing Cri­sis (Awards up to £1000)
With the wors­en­ing cost of liv­ing cri­sis Cen­tral 5 CP are mind­ful of the impact this will have on the res­i­dents the area.
Health Pri­or­i­ty 3.
(Awards up to £500)
Self-Care — Sup­port­ing res­i­dents to care for chron­ic con­di­tions. This can be any chron­ic con­di­tion, with sup­port around liv­ing well. 
Hor­ton and City Health CollaborationHealth Pri­or­i­ty 1. Improv­ing Men­tal HealthHealth Pri­or­i­ty 2.
Work­ing with Children/Young people
Health Pri­or­i­ty 3.
Reduc­ing Res­pi­ra­to­ry issues
Sec­ondary Pri­or­i­ty 1.
Sec­ondary Pri­or­i­ty 2.
Sec­ondary Pri­or­i­ty 3.
WOWHealth Pri­or­i­ty 1.
Reduc­ing the impact of iso­la­tion and lone­li­ness includ­ing build­ing the con­fi­dence to socialise
Health Pri­or­i­ty 2.
Alle­vi­ate the impacts of the cost of liv­ing cri­sis on well­be­ing and phys­i­cal and men­tal health.
Affin­i­ty CareHealth Pri­or­i­ty 1. Activ­i­ties to encour­age peo­ple to engage with tech­nol­o­gy to sup­port dig­i­tal inclusionHealth Pri­or­i­ty 2. Inter­gen­er­a­tional activity Health Pri­or­i­ty 3.
Activ­i­ties to keep peo­ple active
Health Pri­or­i­ty 4. Activ­i­ties to reduce the impact of lone­li­ness and isolation
Craven Health Pri­or­i­ty 1.
Improv­ing access to ser­vices and oppor­tu­ni­ties for peo­ple of all ages which con­tribute to people’s health and wellbeing
Health Pri­or­i­ty 2.
Age friend­ly communities
Health Pri­or­i­ty 3.
Help­ing com­mu­ni­ties get through the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, par­tic­u­lar­ly sup­port­ing those most in need in local communities
WharfedaleHealth Pri­or­i­ty 1: Sup­port­ing dis­ad­van­taged fam­i­lies with chil­dren under the age of 18 years.Health Pri­or­i­ty 2: Pro­vid­ing Alco­hol and Recov­ery Ser­vices for peo­ple liv­ing in the Wharfedale and Sils­den areas.Health Pri­or­i­ty 3: Improv­ing Children’s Men­tal Health and Well- Being in the Wharfedale and Sils­den areas.Health Pri­or­i­ty 4: Pro­vid­ing weight man­age­ment and exer­cise oppor­tu­ni­ties with­in the Wharfedale and Sils­den areas.
Please refer to Appli­ca­tion Form for full text of health priorities


Gen­er­al Infor­ma­tion
All grant awards are sub­ject to report­ing, this means both a Progress Update and a Final Eval­u­a­tion unless your project is run­ning for less than 3 months.
If you have been fund­ed for less than 3 months, you Progress Update will be a vis­it from the Grants Man­ag­er.
The pur­pose of this vis­it is both to offer sup­port, but to check on your progress. In all cir­cum­stances projects award­ed grant fund­ing will be asked to com­plete a case study, this is includ­ed in the Final Eval­u­a­tion form. It is a chance for the project to high­light any prob­lems they have been hav­ing, seek advice and of course to show­case the great work you will be undertaking. 

On occa­sions projects have sub­mit­ted reports late (with­out pri­or con­sent) and very occa­sion­al­ly failed to sub­mit reports despite being remind­ed. There­fore, we have been forced to bring in more strin­gent penal­ties for late and/ or miss­ing report­ing, this is detailed on the appli­ca­tion form. Please ensure you read and under­stand this as you will be asked to con­firm this in the form and that you agree with the poten­tial sanc­tions.

Report­ing time frame
Progress Update will be due at the mid-point of your deliv­ery.
Final Eval­u­a­tion has to be sub­mit­ted with­in 2 weeks of the fin­ish of your project

Important Dates

The clos­ing date for all appli­ca­tions isFri­day 16th Decem­ber 2022
Deci­sion pan­els will sit week commencingMon­day 9th Jan­u­ary 2023
Projects noti­fied of deci­sion byFri­day 27th Jan­u­ary 2023
Award pay­mentWe will endeav­our to deposit this in your account with­in 1 work­ing week by elec­tron­ic transfer.
All Pay­ments will be made by elec­tron­ic bank transfer

Application and Reporting Forms

As per nor­mal all appli­ca­tions and will be com­plet­ed and sub­mit­ted through Sur­vey Mon­key, along with the Progress Update and Final Eval­u­a­tion forms. It is impor­tant to read through all forms to ensure you are aware of what you will be asked to report on/ against. Though there are no spe­cif­ic out­comes or KPI’s you will be asked for spe­cif­ic demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion and projects must ensure they keep track of these demo­graph­ics.

Please note: It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of projects to ensure they are aware of report­ing dates, you will be informed of your report­ing dates when you are noti­fied if you have been suc­cess­ful.

The blue but­tons below will take you to Sur­vey Mon­key where you can com­plete and sub­mit your appli­ca­tion form. 


In the past we have includ­ed Word and PDF ver­sion down­loads. We will no longer be includ­ing the option to down­load Word ver­sions as these are lim­it­ed in their use­ful­ness as they are large­ly not editable. You may still down­load a PDF ver­sion, links below. 

If when you have com­plet­ed and sub­mit­ted your appli­ca­tion through Sur­vey Mon­key you would like a copy, please email the Grants Manager: 

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