The VCS Alliance is going through a process of stream­lin­ing inter­nal pro­ce­dures to make things sim­pler for both us and our deliv­ery part­ners. From this point on all invoic­es being sub­mit­ted to The VCS Alliance should be emailed to:

We hope that this will make the process of pay­ing invoic­es much quick­er though we we still retain our stan­dard pay­ment peri­od of 14 days. From the 1st Sep­tem­ber 2022 this will be the only email that will be checked for invoic­es. If after the 1st Sep­tem­ber 2022 emails are sent to oth­er VCS Alliance email address­es you will be asked to resub­mit to this new email address. 

Please help us to make this a much sim­pler process by remem­ber­ing to invoic­es to:

The VCS Alliance inter­nal sys­tems change.
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