Open for Submissions:
9am Monday December 2024
These awards are now Closed for Submissions:
Award amount:
£2000 up to £6000
Award amount:
£2000 up to £6000
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture
Participatory Grant Making Social Prescribing Awards
Important notice:
The day of the Bradford 2025 PGM Social Prescribing Awards has been changed to: Monday 27th January 2025, the event will take place at Bradford Cathedral.
All those applying for an award should arrive between 9:15 and 9:30 (at the latest) to set up their showcase stall and go through how the day will proceed. The awards event will start at 10:30am and finish no later than 4pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
If you have any questions please contact David Holt on: 07865 599209 or alternately
About the awards
The VCS Alliance has partnered with Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture to develop and deliver a Participatory Grant Making Award programme for Bradford District and Craven.
As part of a commitment to improving health and wellbeing through creativity, The VCSA, in partnership with Bradford 2025, are excited to launch the Bradford 2025 PGM Social Prescribing Awards. These awards are an integral part of Bradford’s journey as the UK City of Culture 2025; empowering artists, researchers, community groups, and organisations across Bradford District and Craven to harness the power of arts and culture to tackle health challenges and make a positive impact on the community through Creative Health.
Creative Health refers to the use of arts, culture, and creative practices as tools to improve and maintain physical and mental health. It includes a variety of activities such as music, visual arts, dance, drama, and writing, which are integrated into healthcare and community settings to support overall wellbeing.
What is Creative Health
Benefits of Creative Health
Personal Empowerment: Creative health allows individuals to take an active role in their wellbeing, offering them tools for self-expression, healing, and personal growth.
Improved Mental Health: Engaging in creative activities can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, promoting emotional resilience and mental wellbeing.
Enhanced Physical Health: Creative practices have been linked to improved physical health outcomes, such as reduced blood pressure, better immune function, and pain management.
Social Connection: Participating in group creative activities helps foster social bonds, reducing feelings of isolation and building a sense of community.
Cognitive and Emotional Development: Creative engagement can stimulate cognitive function, enhance problem-solving skills, and support emotional expression, especially in those facing mental health challenges.
Collaborating with a creative professional
We recognise, particularly for some VCSE organisations Creative Health is a new concept. You may have a great idea but perhaps lack the arts, culture, or heritage based expertise. You will be given the opportunity on the Expression of Interest to say if you would like us to connect you with a creative professional. We can not guarantee this but we will try our best
Some Creative Health project examples
The following button will give you access to a document with examples of Creative Health projects:
Who can apply
These awards are open to anyone with a tangible connection to Bradford District and Craven. We would love to hear from:
Community groups and organisations
Grassroots groups
We want to hear from anyone with an innovative idea to support peoples’ health and wellbeing through the use of arts and culture.
Tangible connection to the community
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a tangible connection or meaningful link to the local community, geography, or cultural landscape of Bradford District or Craven.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Service or Impact: Your project will directly benefit the residents of Bradford District or Craven, addressing health and wellbeing challenges specific to the area.
Residency or Location:You or your organisation are based in Bradford District or Craven.
Existing Relationships: You have a history of working with communities, organisations, or cultural groups in the area.
Cultural Knowledge: Your project reflects an understanding of the district’s unique needs, heritage, or diversity.
Collaborative Links: You are collaborating with local partners, artists, or organisations rooted in Bradford District or Craven.
Community Engagement: You have established networks or relationships within local communities that your project will build upon or deepen.
Areas of work – Health Priority Groups/ Health Inclusion Groups
These awards support innovative community focused projects that use arts and culture to address health challenges and improve wellbeing. Health Priority/ Health Inclusion Groups are typically community-based initiatives aimed at addressing the health needs of marginalised or underserved groups.
These groups focus on people who may face barriers to accessing mainstream healthcare services due to factors such as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, homelessness, or immigration status. The goal is to ensure that everyone regardless of background or circumstances, has access to the care and support they need to lead healthier lives.
- People with long term health conditions
- Individuals facing mental health challenges
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Gypsy and traveller communities
- Those affected by dementia
- People experiencing homelessness
We are also open to applications that address other groups or health conditions, provided that you clearly explain in your proposal why these areas are also important and represent significant needs.we are also open to applications that address other groups or health conditions, provided that you clearly explain in your proposal why these areas are also important and represent significant needs.
At its core, this programme is to support creative, cultural and heritage activity, but projects that utilise green and blue spaces – like parks, rivers, and woodland – are also encouraged.
Award amounts
All awards are for between £2000 and £6000 and must be used for direct delivery.
Total available £105,000.00
Delivery duration
All funded projects should run for no less than 6 weeks and must be completed by 1 Jan 2026
- Projects running less than 6 months will not be asked to complete a written progress update but will be subject to a project visit by the VCSA Grant Manager and or other identified stakeholders.
- Project visits should take place during a delivery session.
- Projects running for more than 6 months will be required to complete a progress update.
- We encourage projects to be as creative as possible with progress updates. If you want to keep a Vlog, undertake Vox Pops or Talking Heads style interviews fantastic… For those who prefer written reports a traditional form will be available.
- All projects in receipt of an award are required to take part in a participatory evaluation showcase event during September 2025.
- For the Participatory Evaluation event each award recipient will be required to develop a showcase stall demonstrating the work they have undertaken; members of the public, stakeholders and beneficiaries will be invited in to take part in the evaluation process. More details will be released closer to the date.
What can these awards be used for?
These awards can be used to fund a wide range of support activities but there are also restrictions. Projects must demonstrate sustained engagement with participants. One-off events are not eligible for funding. If your project includes specific time-bound activities, you must clearly outline in your Expression of Interest how these contribute to the overall Creative Health programme for the City of Culture year. More information about what can and can’t be funded is available using the button below:
How to apply
Award applicants are required to complete an Expression of Interest outlining their idea in 250 words. All applicants should keep in mind that these awards are to fund innovative ideas that use art and culture to support communities and community members using Creative Health ideas.
All Expressions of Interest must demonstrate:
- How your idea is grounded in the principles of Creative Health and demonstrates relevance to the award priorities
- How you have established the need
- Your tangible connection or meaningful link to the local community, geography, or cultural landscape of Bradford District or Craven.
- If you have selected an Inclusion group that is not listed, say why this area is important and represents significant need.
All EOI’s will go forward to the PGM awards day provided they meet the Eligibility criteria and cover the 4 points detailed above.
We can not emphasise strongly enough the need to ground your idea in Creative Arts. If this is not clearly shown your EOI will not be taken forward to the awards day.
If you are unsure of whether you, your organisation or even your idea are eligible or fit what we are looking for please contact the VCSA Grants Manager:
Before completing an Expression of Interest all applicants should be aware that the process is a Participatory Grant Making Process. Applicants who go forward to the Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Participatory Grant Making Awards day will be required to develop a showcase stand that demonstrates their idea.
- Applicants put forward to the PGM Awards day must be prepared to attend in person for the full day.
- Applicants will be required to develop and have a showcase stall that demonstrates the work they do, how they have supported communities and how they will use a Bradford 2025 PGM Social Prescribing Award should they receive enough votes.
- Applicants will have 2 minutes towards the end of the event to do a final pitch about their proposal and really sell their idea to those that will be voting. Please be aware that all those present, including other organisations applying, will be eligible to vote.
- Members of the public, stakeholders and others in attendance will encouraged to ask each applicant a number of questions and then vote on which projects they want to get an award.
- Applicants will may be required to attend up to 3 Evaluation focus groups throughout the delivery period more information will be provided in this.
PGM is an exciting way of devolving money and getting it to the places it is needed most… It is more than an awards process, it is an opportunity for delivery partners to come together and:
- Develop new collaborations
- Strengthen existing and develop new networks
- Meet potential future funders
- Showcase the skills, expertise and passion you have for supporting communities
PGM is a bit more of a commitment than traditional award processes but the rewards are far greater than traditional award processes. Complete an Expression of Interest and be an integral part of this Creative Health journey.
Support for Applicants
To support applicants we will be running two support sessions:
Support session 1: 13th January 2024 – 2pm-3:30pm
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Meeting ID: 368 282 389 29
Passcode: fZ6743qy
Support session 2: 17th January 2024 – 2pm-3:30pm
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 334 827 724 005
Passcode: 9tZ2vi9G
Important Dates
- Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Participatory Grant Making Social Prescribing Awards opens for EOI submissions:
Tuesday 10th December 2024.
- Support session 1 for applicants:
Monday 13th January 2025
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Meeting ID: 368 282 389 29
Passcode: fZ6743qy
- Support session 2 for applicants:
Friday 17th January 2025.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 334 827 724 005
Passcode: 9tZ2vi9G
- Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Participatory Grant Making Social Prescribing Awards closes for EOI submissions
Monday 20th January 2025.
- Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Participatory Grant Making Social Prescribing Award Day:
Monday 27th January 2025 10:30am – 4pm. (Times subject to change).
- Venue:
Bradford Cathedral.
1 Stott Hill, Bradford BD1 4EH
Contact details
If you wish to discuss anything about the Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Participatory Grant Making Social Prescribing Awards please contact David Holt.
Phone: 07865 599209
Resources to support your application and development of your project
More F and Q’s
Can you apply for funding if you have already received funding from Bradford 2025?
Yes, as long as the new application meets the criteria and aligns with the objectives of the Social
Prescribing Awards, previous funding from Bradford 2025 does not disqualify you.
Can you apply if you are a church?
Yes, churches and faith-based organisations can apply as long as the proposed project aligns with the
objectives of the Social Prescribing Awards and benefits the wider community, rather than serving
exclusively religious purposes.
Does the lead organisation have a maximum turnover that would stop them from applying?
No, there is no maximum turnover for the lead organisation. However, all applications will be assessed
on their relevance, feasibility, and alignment with the programme objectives, regardless of
organisational size.
Can a freelancer apply for the Small Award (up to £6,000)?
Yes, freelancers can apply as the lead applicant for the Small Award. They must demonstrate the
capacity to deliver the project and meet the funding criteria.
Can a freelancer apply for the Medium-Sized Award (up to £30,000)?
Freelancers can be the instigators of a Medium-Sized Award application. However, we strongly
encourage partnering with an organisation to administer the Award unless the freelancer can provide
evidence of successfully managing a project of this scale in the past.
Can this fund trips?
Yes, trips can be funded if they are a core part of the project and align with the Social Prescribing
Awards’ objectives. For example, trips that engage participants in creative health activities or connect
them with nature (e.g., green or blue spaces) would be considered eligible.
Can this fund staff?
Yes, staffing costs can be included in the budget if they are essential for delivering the project. For
example, hiring sessional staff, project coordinators, or facilitators to implement creative health
activities would be eligible. However, the budget must clearly justify these costs in relation to the
project’s objectives.
Does the project have to cover the entire district?
No, the activity can happen in one location. However, the project should demonstrate its impact and
relevance to the specific community or participants it engages with.
Do all participants need to be referred?
No, you may have participants who have worked with you previously and wish to self-refer onto the
activity. However, there must be capacity for new participants to be referred through a social
prescriber, case worker, or similar professional.
Can an organisation apply if their project serves multiple priority groups?
Yes, we welcome projects that address intersectionality across multiple priority groups. This
approach is highly encouraged as it reflects the diverse realities of participants.
Can the funding be used for continuity of existing activities?
We would prefer the funding to be used for new or extended activities rather than pure continuity of
existing programmes. However, if your proposal includes innovative extensions or adaptations of
current work, it may be eligible.
Is there an expectation of match funding?
Match funding is not required but is welcomed and can strengthen an application. This could include
cash contributions or in-kind support.
What support is needed to evidence partnerships for medium grants?
We encourage applicants to provide supporting documents, such as letters of support, that
demonstrate the strength of the partnership. While not mandatory, they can enhance your
How much flexibility is there in terms of delivery start dates?
Projects ideally should align with the 2025 calendar year, with evaluations completed by January
If you propose a late start (e.g., July 2025), ensure that the compressed timeline is justified and
Can consultation or scoping activities be part of the project?
Yes, consultation or preparatory activities can be included as part of your project plan, as long as they
contribute to a well-defined narrative leading to the delivery phase.
Can a project include travel to locations like the Yorkshire Dales or seaside?
Yes, trips can be included if they are part of a sustained programme and contribute to the objectives of
the awards. For example, connecting participants with nature or promoting mental well-being.
Does the application have to be submitted online?
Yes, applications are to be submitted online. If you face accessibility challenges, contact us at, and we’ll assist you.
Can activities take place outside Bradford District or Craven?
While the core focus should remain within Bradford District and Craven, activities that engage
participants across borders may be considered if they clearly address the programme’s objectives.
Can funding be used for marketing or promotion?
Marketing costs directly tied to recruiting participants and raising awareness about your project can
be included in the budget. Ensure these are proportionate and justified.
Are there guidelines for including seasonal or outdoor activities?
Yes, seasonal or weather-dependent activities are eligible. Outline your timeline and the reasons for
the chosen schedule, particularly if your project is outdoors or location-specific.